Leibniz Zoo Cookies: How much does it cost in Germany?

Last added price, valid on 16/06/2023:
1.59 €
125 g (price per 1000 g: 12.72 €)
Cookies Leibniz Zoo Cookies Germany
The last price for Leibniz Zoo Cookies was seen and transmitted on 16/06/2023, the price was offered by the German Supermarket Edeka. For a better price comparison we calculate the price on a fixed base unit - in this case: 1000 g cost 12.72 Euro. Have a look at our currency converter to check out the German prices for Leibniz Zoo Cookies in your local currency.

About Leibniz Zoo Cookies

Kids and even adults like these cookies because they look like animals in the wildness - or in the zoo. Due to the fact that it is a branded product of "Leibniz", the cookies are relatively expensive.

All transmitted prices for Leibniz Zoo Cookies

show details16/06/2023: 125 g = 1.59 €Shop: Edeka, transmitted: 18/06/2023

1.59 € in your local currency

Product Price
125 g
per 1000 g
Euro Flag, Currency €
1.59 €
12.72 €
Currency: US Dollar
1.66 $
13.27 $
Currency: Canadian Dollar
2.38 $
19.03 $
Currency: Pound Sterling
1.32 £
10.56 £
Currency: Chinese Yuan
12.10 ¥
96.80 ¥
Currency: Japanese Yen
259.45 ¥
2075.60 ¥
Currency: Nigerian Naira
1.59 ₦
12.72 ₦
Currency: Mexican Peso
33.30 $
266.42 $
Currency: Danish Krone
11.86 Kr.
94.88 Kr.
Currency: Swedish Krone
18.30 kr
146.37 kr
Currency: Turkish Lira
58.16 ₺
465.31 ₺
Currency: Russian Ruble
170.73 ₽
1365.81 ₽

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